Daily Archives: February 4, 2011

A little love

I first off wanna start off with a lovely song by Mindy Gledhill. I found this video over at A Fanciful Twisther blog is very lovely, which the song inspired me to do a love/Valentines post. I wasn’t going to do a post today but I said why not! Over at her blog she made some lovely Valentine’s Day Cards, which you can go on over there and print them out if you like. (:


This is one of her lovely cards, I saw this and I fell in love! She made these herself!

I am going to post some lovely thing today, some photos, some lovelies of Curtis and I, cupcakes, and a recipe.

The Perfect Valentine’s Day Movies:

The Notebook ♥
Hope Floats
Eat Pray Love ♥
10 Things I hate About You ♥
Valentine’s Day
The House Sitter
Dear John ♥
The Proposal
Pride and Prejudice ♥
AND….. Pretty Woman ♥
♥ = My favorites!

Those are some really lovely dovely movies some new and some old! If you have any to share please do!

Now who wants that Cupcake Recipe! I love this one, its a Red Velvet cupcake… It so moist and tasty! top it with some cream cheese frosting and you have a little taste of haven!!

For Recipe go here : Recipegirl Let me know if you try it!! I use apple Cider vinegar  makes it a little more sweeter.

Here are some lovely gift ideas for your special someone!

If you someone a gal:

M&M You can go on over their and you can custom the M&Ms with photos, words and different colors!

Roses every girl wants flowers the simple things is what gets us the most!
Box of chocolate
And every girl would love a personal love note, hand written. Something us girls can keep and love!

Now what are we going to get are guys??? Guys are not picky so don’t stress out.  If you don’t want to spend a lot of moo-la here are some cute, fun ideas!

Bake him something! My guy loves Cupcakes with out the frosting or no  bake oatmeal cookies. But want to make it more Valentine’s Make some yummy sugar cookies and make them into hearts!

Arent these cute!

You can also make him a tee, or get him some crazy boxers. There are many things you could do.

here are some lovely photo of Curtis and I:

So who are you celebrating Valentine’s Day with? What is something you love?






Filed under winter/spring 2011